Car inspection in Tallinn

Car inspection is the process of checking the technical condition of vehicles to ensure that they are safe and environmentally friendly to drive. During the car inspection, we check that the vehicle is properly maintained and in working order.


Car inspection in Tallinn

Car inspection is the process of checking the technical condition of vehicles to ensure that they are safe and environmentally friendly to drive. During the car inspection, we check that the vehicle is properly maintained and in working order.


Fast and high quality car technical inspection in Tallinn

Car inspection is the process of checking the technical condition of vehicles to ensure safe and environmentally friendly driving. During the vehicle inspection, we check that the vehicle is properly maintained and in working order.

Car inspection in Peetri

We have made sure that the car inspection is quick and convenient for our customers.

The service station in Peetri, Helgi road, has a cosy waiting area for customers, where they can relax and have a cup of coffee during the inspection.

Why come to Peetri for a car inspection?

Car inspection in 15 minutes – we work on several lines, saving your time and providing fast service.
Our technicians are always in clean clothes, so you don’t have to worry about dusty jackets staining your car.
Customers have a warm and comfortable waiting room to relax and enjoy a free moment while their car is being inspected.

Car inspection reminder

It is important to bring your vehicle registration certificate with you when you come in for a car inspection. At the end of the roadworthiness test, a corresponding entry will be made in the car passport to indicate the expiry date of the test.

What will be checked during the inspection

At the vehicle inspection, we check the technical condition of the vehicle to ensure that it is safe to drive. During the roadworthiness test, we check the car both visually and by testing important parts of the vehicle.

During the inspection, we check that the car meets the requirements:

  • Brake system
  • Steering system
  • Visibility
  • Lights, reflectors and electrical equipment
  • Chassis and suspension
  • Frame and attachments
  • Car  safety equipment

If any of the above factors are found to be non-compliant, the defect found must first be rectified and then the vehicle can be re-inspected. We value the safety of our customers and, where possible, we will advise and guide you on how to ensure that any concerns that have arisen can be rectified.

Car check-ups in Tallinn

A roadworthiness test is necessary if a car has been found to have a significant defect or deficiency during the regular inspection.

The defect must be rectified to make the vehicle compliant.
Once the defects have been corrected, the vehicle must be returned to the same inspection point where the re-inspection was ordered.

It is important to know that at this point the vehicle is non-compliant, but may be driven until the end of the current periodic inspection.

If necessary, our experienced roadworthiness specialists will give you an overview of the faults and explain how to approach the situation. It is important to us that our customers’ cars are in good condition and safe to drive.

Read also these useful articles on roadworthiness tests

Road safety and roadworthiness tests – why it’s important to keep your car in good technical condition

Road safety and roadworthiness tests - why it's important to keep your car in good technical condition.

Road safety and roadworthiness tests are closely linked, as the majority of vehicles on the road are subject to annual roadworthiness tests. We often give little thought to the safety of our cars on a day-to-day basis, but the fact is that every time we get behind the wheel, our safety and that of our fellow road users depends to a large extent on the technical condition of our vehicle.


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Kuidas oma auto tehnoülevaatuseks ette valmistada


Helgi tee 4

Mo-Fri 9:00-20:00
Sat 09:00-17:00
Tel: 605 0078


Mustamäe and Õismäe

Ehitajate tee 116

Mo-Fri 9:00-21:00
Sat 09:00-17:00
Tel: 609 9235

Rocca al Mare

Shopping centre parking lot

Mo-Sun 10:00-20.00
Open on Sundays
Tel: 609 9235

© tehnoü | Profdiagnostik Ltd - is recognised as a professionally competent measurer in the field of accreditation.
Measurements for technical inspection of vehicles. Estonian Accreditation Centre No. E113