Profdiagnostik Ltd price list for vehicle roadworthiness tests
If you book and pay for your roadworthiness test in our booking environment, the price is always cheaper. In the table below, the prices are shown so that the first price is valid when paying online and the second price is valid when paying on the service station.
Please note that we have a number of different service stations in Tallinn and the price of the inspection may vary from one to another. It is also good to know that we occasionally organise promotional campaigns, in which case the price of the vehicle inspection may temporarily differ from the price list.
Profdiagnostik OÜ reserves the right to change the price list without prior notice.
Current price list for regular roadworthiness tests
Peetri inspection point
Rocca al Mare inspection point
Mustamäe inspection point
Peetri inspection point
Rocca al Mare inspection point
Mustamäe inspection point
Price list for additional services
Mustamäe inspection point
Peetri inspection point
Mustamäe and Õismäe
Rocca al Mare
© tehnoü | Profdiagnostik Ltd - is recognised as a professionally competent measurer in the field of accreditation.
Measurements for technical inspection of vehicles. Estonian Accreditation Centre No. E113